KBK Flexible Beam Light Crane

KBK Flexible Beam Light Crane
  • KBK Flexible Beam Light Crane

  • description:KBK Flexible Beam Light Crane is actually a series of belonging to a single beam suspension, but do not use I-beam, multi-purpose C steel and hanging pieces combinations.


KBK Flexible Beam Light Crane is actually a series of belonging to a single beam suspension, but do not use I-beam, multi-purpose C steel and hanging pieces combinations.

Structure is relatively simple. But the load-bearing capacity is limited, lifting generally use the chain hoist.

It is suitable to transport the material in a line, which can directly connect the loading worker and unloading worker, such as the out-back haul, circle haul, etc. The KBK single track is of flexible travelling directions, running arbitrarily from the single track line to mutiple tracks, and ring track.

It is specially fit to the areas of dense equipments, transportation in short distance, and high work frequency.